The cubs section has a mixture of boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 ½ years.
We meet at the Hambledon Village hall on a Thursday evening between 6 and 7 pm. Many cubs have come from the Beaver colony but we also welcome members new to scouting or those transferring from other groups, everyone is warmly welcome.

Cubs have a very dynamic and varied programme all aiming to achieve their silver scout award. There are many badges to be earned which fall into three different categories: Challenge, Activity and Staged. We recently completed our annual camp with the Scouts during which many cubs attained their Outdoor Challenge Badge.
In addition, cubs cover Activity badges which involve undertaking a variety of activities some educational while others are more active such as cycling or swimming. They also get to try new activities and sports such as bouldering and ultimate frisbee.

The programme is varied and allows cubs to learn and have new experiences; for example they visited the Observatory in Clanfield, had a mindfulness session, baked some scones and had a lesson in Karate. This term the Cubs completed their local knowledge badge learning information about some local residents as well as visiting a local dairy farm.
Cubs also complete Staged Activity badges having completed this year Level 2 swimmer badge, Level 2 First Aid and Level 1 Navigator badge.

As well as covering all these badges we like them to have fun as well as observe local and national traditions. They also support the local community with Litter Picking and Donations to local food banks.

The ultimate aim is for Cubs to have fun and learn new skills and confidence along the way.
None of this is possible without our kind and supportive volunteers; we have leaders, section assistants, parent helpers and an executive committee. All of whom give up their time to support the scouting community. If you want to know more please contact the Group Scout Leader.